Thelemic Holy Days

This calendar is neither official, nor exhaustive. Some dates are traditional, and not historically verifiable. Feasts named for individuals are (unless otherwise indicated) "greater feasts" commemorating the dates of their deaths. The title "Sir" or "Dame" indicates an O.T.O. initiate of at least the VI° and/or an inductee of the Order of the Lion or the Order of the Eagle.Hyperlinks lead to rituals suitable for the particular holidays in question, and some link destinations are offsite. A general ceremony that can be tailored for celebrating any of the dates on this calendar is the Liturgy of the Word of the Law.

March 20 – Feast for the Supreme Ritual and the Equinox of the Gods
March 20 through April 10 - High Holy Days of Thelema (offsite link, Companions of Monsalvat)
March 22 – Feast of Saint Wolfgang von Goethe
March 24 – Feast of Saint Priapus
March 26 – Feast of Saint Johannes Dee (offsite link), Feast of Mansur al-Hallaj
April 8 – Feast for the First Day of the Writing of the Book of the Law
April 9 – Feasts for the Second Day of the Writing of the Book of
the Law, and of Saint Rabelais, and Saint Francis Bacon Lord Verulam
April 10 – Feast for the Third Day of the Writing of the Book of the Law, and of Saint Swinburne
April 12 – Feast of Dame Mary d’Este Sturges
April 23 - Feast of Saint Sir Richard Payne Knight
April 25 – Feast of Saint Manes
April 27 – Feast of Sir Wilfred T. Smith
April 29 - Feast of Albert Hoffman
May 1 – Feast of Cattle
May 5 - Feast of James Branch Cabell
May 8 – Feast of Saint Paul Gaugin, and of Dame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
May 18 – Feast of Saint Elias Ashmole
May 23 - Feast of the Apparition of the Daughter of Fortitude
May 24 – Feast of Saint Hermes
May 26 - Feast of Saint Siddartha
May 30 – Feast of Joan of Arc
May 31 – Feast of Saint Alphonse Louis Constant, and of Timothy Leary
June 1 - Feast of Marguerite Porete
June 7 – Feast of Saint Carl Kellner
June 8 – Feast of Saint Mohammed
June 10 - Feast of Saint Basilides
June 13 – Feast of Saint Ludovicus Rex Bavariae
June 17 – Feast of Sir Marvel “Jack” Parsons

June 21/22 - Summer Solstice
June 27 – Feast of Saint Andrea
June 29 – Feast of Saint Simon Magus
July 11 - Lesser Feast of Bardesanes
July 12 – Feast of Sir Grady Louis McMurtry
July 24 - Feast of Marjorie Cameron
July 29 – Feast of Sir Paschal Beverly Randolph
August 1 – Feast of the Lion-Serpent
August 6 – Feast of Saint Tahuti (offsite link)
August 12 – Feast for the First Night of the Beast and His Bride, and of Saint Heracles, and of Saint William Blake
August 13 – Feast of Saint Hippolytus
August 18 – Feast of Saint Roderic Borgia, Pope Alexander VI
August 25 – Feast of Saint Friedrich Nietzsche
August 26 – Feast of Saint Krishna, and of Cagliostro
August 29 – Feast of Saint Ulrich von Hutten
September 4 – Feast of Saint Mosheh
September 8 – Feast of Saint Robertus de Fluctibus
September 13 – Feast of Saint Dante Alighieri, and of Dame Leila Waddell

September 21 – Vernal Equinox, Feast of Saint Virgilius
September 24 – Feast of Saint Paracelsus
September 27 – Feast of Cosmus & Damianus
October 2 - Feast of Frater Francesco Colonna
October 12 – Crowleymas (Lesser Feast of the Prophet)
October 16 – Feast of Dame Ida Craddock
October 20 – Feast of Saint Sir Richard Francis Burton
October 25 – Feast of Saint Gerard Encausse, and of Sir Karl Johannes Germer
October 28 – Feast of Saint Theodor Reuss
October 31 – Feast of the Dragon
November 13 - Feast of Saint Osiris
November 17 - Feast of Saint Jacob Boehme
November 18 – Feast of the First Initiation of the Prophet, and Feast of Saint Adam Weishaupt
November 25 – Feast of Saint Sir Edward Kelly (offsite link)
November 27 – Feast of Harry Smith
December 1 – Feast of Saint Sir Aleister Crowley
December 3 – Feast of the Annihilation of the Prophet
December 13 – Feast of Saint Frederick of Hohenstaufen

December 21/22 - Winter Solstice
December 29 – Feast of Saint Molinos
January 1 - Feast of Saint Pan
January 11 - Feast of Robert Anton Wilson
January 28 – Feast of Saint Carolus Magnus
February 2 – Feast of the Stars
February 13 – Feast of Saint Richard Wagner
February 14 – Feast of Saint Valentinus (offsite link)
February 17 – Feast of Saint Giordano Bruno the Martyr
February 22 – Feast of Doctor Dame Anna Mary Bonus Kingsford
February 24 – Feast of Sir Charles Stansfeld Jones
March 3 – Feast of Saladin
March 5 – Lesser Feast of Lao Tzu
March 10 – Feast of Sir Israel Regardie
March 17 – Feast of Saint Dionysus, and of Nancy Cunard
March 18 – Feast of Saint Jacobus Burgundus Molensis the Martyr

Thelemic Holy Days

The official holy days of Thelema are set forth in The Book of the LawCh. II, v. 36-41. The specific dates attributed to them are given in Crowley’s commentaries, and are summarized below:
  • The Rituals of the Elements and Feasts of the Times are observed at the Equinoxes and Solstices.
  • The Feast for the First Night of the Prophet and His Bride is observed on August 12.
  • The Feast for the Three Days of the Writing of the Book of the Law is observed on April 8, 9 and 10, beginning at noon on each day.
  • The Feast for the Supreme Ritual (the Invocation of Horus) is observed on March 20.
  • The Feast for the Equinox of the Gods is held on the northern-hemisphere Vernal Equinox of each year to commemorate the founding of Thelema in 1904. It marks the beginning of the Thelemic year.

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