Healing Music Frequencies

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GREGORIAN DREAMING - Healing Music Frequencies
Track #1) Flowing with The River of Life
Right Click Here To Download - Healing Music Frequencies
Track #2) Through the Veil of Sorrows
Right Click Here To Download - Healing Music Frequencies
Track #3) Dancing with Inner Joy
Right Click Here To Download - Healing Music Frequencies
Track #4) Like a Feather on the Breathe of Life
Right Click Here To Download - Healing Music Frequencies
Track #5) Listening to the Stillness
Right Click Here To Download - Healing Music Frequencies
Track #6) Heart of the Flower
Right Click Here To Download - Healing Music Frequencies
Track #7) Lake of Inner Peace
Right Click Here To Download - Healing Music Frequencies


We recommend that you listen to these audios as much as you wish. They are a great companion to any of our Brainwave Entrainment, Brain Balancing, Subliminal or Affirmation based products. The Frequencies used in the Healing Frequencies of Higher Consciousness music are designed to help you relax and contain similar audio frequencies as our Brainwave Entrainment products but at normal music levels.

Additional Considerations:

We recommend that you journal your experiences and track your progress as you use this program. Research shows that people that track their progress will do 1,000% better than those that do not. It takes about 5 to 10 minutes to journal which makes it the cheapest price you'll ever pay to get a 1,000% improvement!
Set Goals
We recommend that you take the extra step to direct your inner resources by setting goals that are personally relevant to your life and current situation.
It's best that you take 2 minutes before listening to any of our audios and write down a goal on a index card using only positive language. Once written, speak the goal aloud 3 times while feeling the gratitude, thankfulness and appreciation that you will feel when the goal is achieved. Do your best to truly feel these emotions as you read your goal out loud.
Keep this index card with you all day, looking at it from time to time as you return to those feelings of gratitude, thankfulness and appreciation that you know you will feel once you achieve your goal.
You may listen to the Healing Frequencies as much as you wish just like any other music.

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